AI is the New Age Technique for Digital Marketing

AI is the New Age Technique

AI is the New Age Technique

Artificial Intelligence is a field of computer science which adds intelligence in machine to work like human being. AI is making world smarter by automating the daily tasks and finding solutions.

Let us take one example of automated words in the keyboard, when you are chatting or typing anything with the keyboard, AI suggest you the words related to your topic. So due to this we can save our time by typing the whole word or the sentence. This is one small example of AI which we are using in our day-to-day life. There are many more examples of AI such as google map, Google assistant, Alexa, etc. which we are using in our daily life. We are using AI in our daily life to make our life easy.

AI is developing day by day. Researchers are working on AI to simplify humans’ life so that we can use AI in everything to speed up our life.


Marketing is a very vast concept which used to promote products and services of any company. It can connect customers, consumers to the marketer.

Before doing any kind of marketing marketers are doing research of customers as well as consumers that what kind of products and services they are purchasing, what are their likings and, on that research, marketers are deciding their strategies of promotions.

Digital Marketing:

Digital Marketing is a process of promoting  products and services of the company on the digital platform. Now a days after pandemic businesses were started using digital marketing techniques for promoting their products and services.

Best Platform for promotion:

It is the best platform for promotion because new generation is using digital platform on daily basis. So, to attract new generation and to know about the buying patterns of new generation digital marketing is the best platform for all the businesses today.

Digital marketing is an advertising through search engines, websites, social media platforms. Companies can use both free and paid tools of digital marketing for promoting their products and services.

Artificial Intelligence in Digital Marketing:

Every business is increasing user experience with the help of artificial intelligence. AI is used by companies to increase customer satisfaction.


Chatbot is a software used to conduct online chat with the user via text or voice from website. Chatbot is an AI based bot used for answering queries of the customers. This software is used by many companies for answering queries of the users and giving them basic information about the company.


Pros of using chatbot:

  • Faster customer service
  • 24 x 7 support
  • Manage customer requests

Image Recognition software

Image recognition is a software of finding objects, places, people. This is extremely useful software in digital marketing. For e.g. This software can automatically tag your friends by finding their faces. This software is useful in increasing customer experience in digital marketing.

Pros of using Image Recognition Software:

  • Helps find missing people.
  • Improved security
  • Protects businesses against theft.

To know more about Digital marketing read our Blog and to know about courses and seminars visit Online Biz Digital School or contact us at 7666220333.

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